Jump to Titles  Jump to Ships Harbormaster Jump to Voyages

Ahoy, Matey.  Who you be?


Title Earned Experience Required Weekly Salary
Governor 19700 1000
Lt. Governor 18600 750
Admiral 17500 500
Commodore 16400 300
Captain 15300 150
First Mate 14200 100
Quartermaster/Quartermistress 13100 85
Bosun 12000 80
Master Gunner 10900 77
Engineer 9800 70
Navigator 8700 60
Cabin Boy/Girl 7600 50
Storekeeper 6500 48
Morale Officer 5400 45
Master At Arms 4600 40
Powder Monkey 3300 25
Swab 2100 20
Sculler 1000 10
Landlubber 0 5

* Ship positions were found from the Internatinal Fellowship of Royal Privateers


That's a mighty fine vessel you got there.


Type of Vessel   Number of Crew Number of Cannon Battle Points (BP) Cost 
Requirements: One member of the crew must be a Captain.  No members can be below a Bosun.
 Powerful warship able to destroy smaller units with one attack - Ships | Basic info - Basic info - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough 350  16-50 100  
Requirements: One member of the crew must be a Captain.  No members can be below a Master Gunner.
 Medium-sized ship with a good mobility and lot of a battle possibilities - Ships | Basic info - Basic info - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough 280  24-46 80  
Requirements: One member of the crew must be a First Mate.  No members can be below a Cabin Boy/Girl.
 Brig is a medium-sized unit used mainly for flanking and cleaning up damaged ships - Ships | Basic info - Basic info - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough 145 24 60  
Requirements: One member of the crew must be a Navigator.  No members can be below a Morale Officer.
Small unit, supporting fleet during getting enemies into ambush - Ships | Basic info - Basic info - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough 45 6-8 40  
Requirements: One member of the crew must be a Master at Arms.  No members can be below a Swab.
Gunboat is the smallest unit which you may find in Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag - Ships | Basic info - Basic info - Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag Game Guide & Walkthrough 6 2 20  
Requirements: Be alive and have a crew.

* Photos are from: http://guides.gamepressure.com/assassinscreediv/guide.asp?ID=22011

Harbormaster...Step up and buy somethin', would ya?

Earned through and further description Cost

Item: King's Pardon

Allows the bearer to redo anything (other than common assessments)

Item: Solar Eclipse 
Allows quests to be handed in up to four days late

Item: Staff of Wisdom 

50/50 on one multiple choice item on all tests the rest of the year

Fleet: War Preparation

Gives the class two minutes of open notes during a quiz.  All students must earn an 80% or higher on the practice or pre-test.

Item: Pottery Shards - Have a note card on a quiz...Sort of.

Sailor must complete and index card of notes.  The card is cut into 6 pieces.  Every time a shard is earned/purchased, they may receive a portion back.  Shards are transferable among crewmates.

Item: Large Raiding Party

Doubles the value of a quest, up to 750 xp.  Item can only be used once.  Use must be announced before grading.

Badge: Philosopher's Wisdom

Create your own side quest.








First Voyage

Early Civilizations and World Religions


Second Voyage

Non-Western Civilizations


Third Voyage

Medieval Times


Fourth Voyage

Renaissance and Reformation


Fifth Voyage

Age of Explorations


Sixth Voyage

Absolutism, Enlightenment, Revolutions


Seventh Voyage

Industrial Revolution, Nationalism, and Imperialism


Eighth Voyage

World War I


Ninth Voyage

Between World Wars


Tenth Voyage

World War II


Eleventh Voyage

Cold War